General Info.
Examination Pattern
School Terms : The School year is divided into two terms
First Term : April to September
Second Term : October to March
Each student will be evaluated on the basis of the entire year's performance; hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work is essential.
In keeping with CBSE rules the school follows a uniform pattern of continuous and comprehensive evaluation for all classes form Nursery to V.
The evaluation system has been broadly classified into two levels.
Level 1- Nursery to KG
Non formal examination will be held for these classes and their performance will be evaluated on the basis of grades.
Level 2- I to VIII
Performance will be evaluated on the basis of Grades for class I to V and marks for class VI to VIII.
Continuous assessment is done through cyclic test and terminal examination.
a) There will be Two round of cyclic tests in each term.
b) First term examination will be held in the month of September/October’15.
c) Final Exams will be held in the month of February/ March’16.
d) Equal weight age will be given to the cyclic tests and both terminals.
e) This will be considered as the basis of promotion.
LEVEL 3 Examinations and Promotion of Class IX -X
There will be two terms. Term I include FA-1, FA-2 and SA-1 which has weightage of 10%, 10% and 30% and Term II include FA-3, FA-4 (PSA for IX class) and SA-2 which has the same weightage as of Term I.
PSA score is to be reflected towards FA-4 in one language (Hindi or English), Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Its certificate will be generated to the student by CBSE board itself. It is compulsory for all the registered students to appear in PSA, otherwise absent will be marked.
The test will be based on language connection, qualitative and quantitative reasoning.
In English language, candidates are assessed in Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL) under SA-1 and SA-2.
NOTE: Students of class IX has to submit two black and white passport size photographs and their correct information (regarding health status) to their respective class teachers for registration purpose in first week of new session.
The parents can consult class teachers in case of any query regarding CCE pattern during PTM.
Performance will be evaluated on the basis of grades for Class IX-X.
Continuous assessment is done through formative and summative assessment.
75% attendance compulsory for all the students otherwise he/she will not allowed to appear in final examination as per CBSE norms.
Level 4 Examination and Promotion of Class XI - XII
There will be two terms. Term I include CT-1 (25 marks), CT-2 (25 marks) and Half Yearly (100 marks). Term II include CT – 3 (25 marks), CT-4 (25 marks) and Final Term (100 marks).
The students have to pass separately in theory and practical, wherever applicable.
PSA (Problem Solving Assessment): It is compulsory for all registered student of class XI. Its certificate will be generated to the student by CBSE board itself. It is compulsory for all the registered students to appear in PSA, otherwise absent will be marked.
ASL (Assessment in Speaking and Listening Skill): In English language, candidates are assessed in Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL).
NOTE: Students of class XI has to submit three passport size photograph along with their Class X mark sheet photocopy to their respective class teachers in the first week of new session.
75% attendance compulsory for all the students otherwise he/she will not allowed to appear in final examination as per CBSE norms.
New Guidelines of CBSE will be informed to the students time to time during the academic session 2020-2021.